(The Skunk Works)

This is where you'll find the real expertise behind our CUBS product palette, and that's because, although our primary focus, CUBS is not all we do.

Evolution/MV is the real heart and soul of our operation, and the impetus behind our development and system-management tools, as well as our other non-CUBS products, such as Edison, the project-management tool we use here in-house ourselves. (Which is how we know how good it is.)

We've always believed that it makes more sense to first develop great tools, kind of in keeping with the idea of sharpening the saw, and that great products will grow out of that. After all, if we want it, it's pretty certain that someone else wants it, too.

And what we want is Pick-based tools that break the mold and the barriers Pick is so often mistakenly assumed to operate within. Indeed, most vendors have been very good at adding to the feature-sets of their respective products, but, as with ED, there's more that can be done, and must be done, which is why we wrote things like ZED.

And there's more to come.

And that's what we really do.

Can't wait? Want a demo? Got an ssh client? Just point it at www.thinqware.com.

Using Linux or Apple/Mac/OS/X? You already have a built-in ssh client. Just open your terminal, and enter ...

"ssh -Y qmdemo@www.thinqware.com"

(How to SSH on Mac with the Native SSH Client)

Got a Windows PC? Try PuTTY or AccuTerm!