... another former CUBS employee and software designer who originally worked on their outsourced printing facility, data-purification engine, in-house billing software (all his from the ground up), and other interesting and challenging features that have come to be taken for granted today. Driven by a passion for excellence and a love of elegance, Marcus can literally make (and has made) CUBS (and Pick) sing. He once rewrote a 1,000+ line report (written by what he calls an "OJT programmer") (yeah, he can be a bit direct) (which is why we keep him in the back) that took over 8 hours to run, into one composed of fewer than 100 lines of code, and ran in under one (Are you ready for it?) (The boss sure wasn't!) ... minute. Yes, you read right: From eight hours to one minute. And that's far from an isolated example. And there are even witnesses! In fine, Marcus brings 25 years of professional (because he got paid for it) Pick/Multivalue programming experience (10 in D3, 7 in UniVerse, 4 in jBase, 4 in UniData, as well bits of time, here and there, on Sequoia, Prime, Ultimate, Sequent, and DataGeneral), and about half again as much personal/hobby (because he just keeps on doing this even when no one is paying him to) (I know, right?) Pick/Multivalue programming experience pretty evenly split between jBase and OpenQM, 19 years of which was collections systems programming and administration experience, including 17 years working on Columbia Ultimate (CUBS) systems. And, as if that weren't enough, he adds to that probably a solid 3 years (he says) of occasional, professional VisualBasic and VBA experience, as well as a combined, estimated 10 years of personal/hobby experience in various other flavors of BASIC: Turbo/PowerBASIC, Microsoft BASIC, GFA BASIC, etc., and a smattering of various scripting, layout, EDI languages and protocols. And that's not even counting Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, and some 6510 and i86 assembler work. And that's not all. He even developed his own CUI (like a GUI, but using 'normal' text characters) for Pick. And he'll be happy to tell you all about it over on his own web-site. |